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Can light therapy help with fibromyalgia?Updated 5 months ago

In a 2019 study from Taiwan, researchers found that red light therapy demonstrated “significantly greater improvement in their pain severity, number of tender points, fatigue, stiffness, depression, and anxiety compared to those receiving the placebo laser”.

So, what's the science behind these results? 

Red light therapy works by stimulating the body's natural healing processes, increasing cellular energy, and improving blood flow while reducing inflammation.

All of these effects can be beneficial in alleviating the symptoms of fibromyalgia and improving the overall quality of life for people living with this condition.

Of course, it's important to note that red light therapy should be used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for fibromyalgia, and you should always talk to your doctor before starting any new treatment. 

But for many people with fibromyalgia, red light therapy can be a safe, effective, and non-invasive way to manage pain and improve mobility without relying on medication or other more invasive treatments.

Read more on the benefits of light therapy for fibromyalgia in this blog post.

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