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What medical conditions or injuries can benefit from light therapy?

Can light therapy repair or regenerate cartilage?

Cartilage is the soft tissue that cushions our joints, and serves as a protective seal between bones in our body. When cartilage breaks down, it leads to conditions like osteoarthritis, which is a major cause of joint pain. Many people believe that o

Can light therapy help with osteoarthritis?

Yes! There are a large number of medical trials which have shown great benefits of laser therapy on Osteoarthritis. Laser therapy at the correct dosage (like the Move+ provides) can help reduce or stop the joint degradation and give you improved func

Can light therapy help with rheumatoid arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis causes inflammation and painful swelling in the joints, and laser therapy at the correct dosage (like the Move+ provides) can help reduce or stop the joint degradation and give you improved functionality for years to come. Photob

Will light therapy help me to avoid knee surgery?

The device can have tremendous impact on reducing pain, inflammation and triggering the healing process in the treated area to help damaged tissues repair themselves. Studies show that laser therapy can provide significant, long-lasting pain relief t

Can light therapy help with chronic pain?

There are a number of medical trials which have shown tremendous benefits of laser therapy on chronic musculoskeletal pain. Photobiomodulation has even been shown to be more effective than standard treatment options like NSAIDs [1] [2] [3], which can

Can light therapy help with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is where pressure on a nerve in your wrist causes pain and numbness in your hand and fingers. There are a few studies that suggest laser therapy can be beneficial for carpal tunnel syndrome, particularly for reducing pain and i

Can light therapy treat a meniscus tear?

A meniscus tear is actually one of the initial reasons why the MOVE+ was developed!. Co-founder Forrest tore his meniscus when he was younger, and has found the device extremely helpful in his recovery. One of the biggest issues with a traumatic inju

Can light therapy treat tendonitis?

Tendinitis is an inflammation or irritation of a tendon — the thick fibrous cords that attach muscle to bone. This condition is commonly caused by overuse, and causes pain and tenderness just outside a joint. While tendinitis can occur in any of your

Can light therapy help with Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy?

(read full study). We offer a 30-day trial period and money-back guarantee, so if you don't notice improvements after following the guidelines for regular daily use, then we are happy to provide a full refund.

Can light therapy help with Osgood-Schlatter disease?

There have been some small, but positive medical trials showing the benefits of laser therapy on Osgood Schlatter outcomes:.

Can light therapy help with fibromyalgia?

In a 2019 study from Taiwan, researchers found that red light therapy demonstrated “significantly greater improvement in their pain severity, number of tender points, fatigue, stiffness, depression, and anxiety compared to those receiving the placebo

Can light therapy help with bursitis?

Inflammation-related conditions like osteoarthritis, bursitis, and tendonitis often respond well to red light therapy. Light therapy has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect as well as a healing effect on inflamed bursae and surrounding inflamed soft

Can light therapy help with Bone spurs?

Bone spurs are smooth bony growths, which tend to develop near joints due to damage associated with osteoarthritis. Red light therapy has been shown to help reduce pain and inflammation associated with bone spurs by promoting blood circulation and st

Can light therapy help with frozen shoulder?

Yes, in this study participants in the active laser group had a significant decrease in overall pain scores at the end of 4 week and 8 week of treatment, and at the end of 8 week additional follow-up. Additionally, in this randomized controlled trial

Can light therapy help with Edema?

Edema is swelling caused by too much fluid trapped in the body's tissues. Red light therapy has shown potential in reducing edema due to its ability to reduce inflammation and swelling in the area, and promote the healing and regeneration of damaged

Can light therapy improve recovery after a hip replacement?

Light therapy has been shown in clinical trials to provide a significant reduction in pain and a faster recovery time post-surgery. It does this by reducing inflammation and triggering tissue healing and regrowth in the area

Can light therapy help with Plantar fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is a thick band of tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot. Near-infrared light therapy provides pain relief and supports healing in plantar fasciitis at a cellular level in a f